Hello all you moms! I am a mother of two boys...one is almost 3 (in may) and the other is 9 months. This is not a post to try to convince or say that everyone should use cloth diapers. I just want to share my reasons for loving them with you so you will know. Honestly, before using cloth myself, I thought everyone that used them must have a screw loose somewhere. Those of you that know me know that normally I am all about convenience. Then, my second baby boy came along and all of that changed. He deals with a lot of allergies - food, skin, and environmental. He also had a hemangioma that his diaper was rubbing on and causing it to break open. We were seeing a dermatologist for it because it was ulcerating and causing him a lot of pain. After much thought, getting steroid ointments from the dermatologist, spending a TON of money on different lotions (of which I am IN LOVE with CeraVe...thanks Carlyn) and talking to my friend Angela, I decided to give cloth a try. I will never used disposables again!! Within 3 days of using cloth, his hemangioma was cleared up and his skin started to improve. I was so glad that I decided to make the change. Now, I am completely addicted and really have to watch what I buy so it won't eventually cost me more than disposables...hehe : ). Cloth has improved so much that really the only difference in cloth and disposables that most people are afraid of is the laundry. I thought that doing the extra laundry would be so annoying but now it is just part of the routine. I HONESTLY don't mind it at all!! Now, I don't have to spend any money on diapers since my oldest has been using the potty since October. We are saving a ton of money!!!! I made the switch to cloth wipes as well. It is a lot easier than having to handle the dirty disposable wipes. Now, I just wrap everything up together and throw them in the wash. For my wipes solution I use water, olive oil, and Dr. Bronner's.
My diapers of choice:
1) Growing Greens which I ordered off of ebay. They are seconds but completely usable and a lot cheaper.
2) Bumgenius 3.0
3) I have a few prefolds that I use with a snappi. I actually like them. I thought they would be a pain but they aren't and they were only $2!
4) Bummis Super Whisper Wraps
5) Mother Ease Rikki Wrap
6) Babyology wool longies and covers
7) Prowraps I have found that these leak sometimes. However, for the price you can't beat them. I usually just use these at home. A lot of people love them so it is probably just my baby's build.
8) Wet Happened wet bags which I found at our Target here in Raleigh. I love these!!
If you want to blog about your dirty diaper stories, cloth diapering, or cloth vs. disposables thoughts, do so and link back to Momfessions to enter to win one of three giveaways! Remember to go to Momfessions after creating your post and post a link back to your blog to be entered in the drawing. Thanks, Erin, for posting this!
5 years ago
Thanks for playing along!
I love your story about how cloth diapers really helped your son-- sometimes I forget that a major benefit to cloth is that they have cotton/suede/or fleece against their skin instead of all the junk in disposables! :o)
Good Luck in the giveaway drawings!
Thanks for sharing your story. This new carnival has been fun to particpate in. Swing by my site and read my story too!
All of the Diaper Chatter posts I have read so far have been about cloth diapering! I wish I had been brave enough to give them a try. Oh well. Just one of the many lessons I have learned as a parent.
Thanks for sharing! I shared a funny story about diapers.
That is great! I'll have to check out those links. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Great post! I appreciate your accepting attitude. When it comes to diapers, I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone (literally)!
Thanks for stopping by my diaper post too! :)
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